Recognizing that a company's workforce is its #1 priority, Kentucky is working to ensure that the Commonwealth workers are skilled for the economy. The Kentucky Career Center, within the Education and Labor Cabinet, is the Commonwealth's comprehensive workforce system.
The Kentucky Career Center provides a one-stop delivery system offering various resources to help people find jobs and achieve their career goals while providing companies with resources to find, train, and retain a skilled workforce.
Do your employees have what it takes to succeed?
As a business leader, you are always analyzing your operations, trying to improve and asking questions. Where is your industry going? Is your company poised for growth? Do your employees (or potential employees) have the skills needed to be a part of that growth? The Kentucky Career Center can help.
Get familiar with training resources
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides incumbent worker training, on-the-job training, work experience, apprenticeships and Individual Training Accounts. Training is usually offered through community and technical colleges, universities, private for-profit organizations and businesses.
Kentucky Career Center and its partners
The Kentucky Career Center and its partners make convenient, free resources available to help employers find highly qualified workers. You can access our services here on this website or at any of our career center office locations around the state.
The Kentucky Career Center partner organizations include the Local Workforce Development Boards, Cabinet for Economic Development, Public Protection Cabinet, Department of Education, Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.